Oh My MaMa!!
As u guys all know by now that i haven't gotten my thingy since like Nov.. and yes, i did say i was gonna see the doc but dates got changed..
Anyway... I'm reading up on prolonged intervals between menstrual cycles and all.. and i saw some stuffs that i juz wanted to share with u all.. [erhm.. the guys {eg. Kev, Jon n Dav}, u guys can juz read the other posts, ya?]
Common menstrual disorders include missed periods (amenorrhea), as well as periods that are unusually heavy or long (menorrhagia), unusually light (hypomenorrhea), unusually frequent (polymenorrhea), unusually infrequent (oligomenorrhea) and unusually painful (dysmenorrhea).
Ok.. Is mine unusally infrequent or missed periods?
Young women who have not achieved a regular period after three years of menstruating should consult a physician.
oh my gawd.. i have not achieved a regular period since i had it!
You may have experienced the opposite problem of heavy menstrual bleeding —no menstrual periods at all. This condition, called amenorrhea, or the absence of menstruation, is normal before puberty, after menopause and during pregnancy. If you don't have a monthly period and don't fit into one of these categories, then you need to discuss your condition with your health care professional.
I kinda dun fit into any one of these categories!! can't be i'm having menopause now, rite?
Amenorrhea. An absence of menstrual periods. This condition may be further classified as:
Primary amenorrhea. The lack of a first menstrual period by the age of 16 years. This condition is also known as “delayed menarche.”
Secondary amenorrhea. The absence of menstrual periods in a woman who has previously menstruated regularly. The periods must be absent for at least three months to be considered amenorrhea.
Primary amenorrhea. The lack of a first menstrual period by the age of 16 years. This condition is also known as “delayed menarche.”
Secondary amenorrhea. The absence of menstrual periods in a woman who has previously menstruated regularly. The periods must be absent for at least three months to be considered amenorrhea.
Can't be the primary one.. but the secondary one isn't right too since i never menstruated reguarly before.. How abt periods that has been absent for 7 mths previously?!
Oligomenorrhea. Unusually infrequent menstrual periods. Woman with oligomenorrhea have fewer than six to eight periods per year.
This seems like it..?
Oligomenorrhea can be a result of prolactinomas (adenomas of the anterior pituitary). It may also be caused by thyrotoxicosis, hormonal changes in perimenopause, and Graves disease.
Thyroid!?! Growth?! I'm not liking what i'm reading...
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
A reproductive disorder in which excessive amounts of androgens (male hormones) are produced by the ovaries. PCOS may cause a number or menstrual disorders including amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea (unusually infrequent periods) and polymenorrhea. For many women with PCOS, the menstrual disorders are caused by anovulation, or failure to ovulate, leading to fertility issues as well.
Excessive amounts of male hormones?!!?! WTF?
Ok.. maybe i should juz stop reading.. Shit.. now i'm starting to scare myself..
Maybe you should just go see a doctor and stop researching. Your articles totally brain-fucked me!
Like what all of us have been saying for the longest time....
lol... i bet u have the oglio thingie.. seems like it.. i have a friend here in melb who also has it.....
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