Monday, November 22, 2004

hey peeps...

i'm still at oscar's and i am loving every moment of it except when i step into the kitchen coz the chefs there LOVES to irritate the hell out of me.. i dun understand what's so fun abt bullying me and why me.. i'm gonna have a sore throat soon coz i'm always screaming at them... stupid cows..

i got to know this girl called Elina in oscar's and the funny thing is that we clicked the moment we worked together.. i feel extremely comfortable telling her all my stuffs and vice versa.. and she's also my portable alarm clock during my morning shift coz she has insomia so she doesn't slp at nite.. unless she's very tired.. so it's very good coz u guys should know how hard it is to wake me up in the morn.. esp at 430 am... haha.. :)

i juz realised how much i love f&b.. it's really interesting coz u handle different things everyday.. though the procedure is the same but the experience is somehow different.. and of coz, the pple u work with makes the difference too..

i haven't had the time to meet with my darling IJ gfs in the longest time.. i really miss them.. i'm so sorry that i haven't been contacting u guys..

sha sha and hannah, i miss u guys too.. i'm always looking at the neoprint we took at david's day out.. it was a brillant idea that we went to take neoprints that day.. hahah.. i really enjoyed myself though david had his stomach issues.. lol

last but not least, i know i dun really contact u guys and i'm really sorry.. half the time it's coz i'm too lazy/tired to call or sms u guys.. but u guys should know that i'm always here for u whenever u need me.. if i dun pick up ur calls, juz sms or leave me a vmail and i'll either call or sms u back..

take care peeps.. *muacks*


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