Monday, December 13, 2004

hey hey..

i'm so happy abt this week!! tmw, i'll be only working for 3 hrs coz they owe me 5 hrs of hrs and then on fri, sat n sun, i will be off!! how great is that??? i'm so happy that i can finally take a break.. very tiring, u know..

things are not bad at the moment.. i'm like the 3rd person to be in charge of salon by the pool.. though responsibilties are heavier but hey! i'm learning to be a manager or even a better position next time.. :)

i'll be going off to banquet soon.. next week, in fact.. i'm not sure if i'll be able to celebrate my birthday or not.. coz i have this very strong hunch that i'll be working on my birthday.. and u know banquet, rite.... probably will have to work for more than 8 hrs... so sad... T_T

i'm sad to leave oscar's though.. made alot of great frens there.. gonna miss them loads... hopefuly we'll still keep in contact.. same goes to u, joyce.. if u're reading this.. :P p.s. when do u wanna go to ajisen?!!

oh yeah!! thanks shalgia darling for the food.. it's very yummy!!! :) is it peanut butter filling???


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