Thursday, December 02, 2004

went to Hard Rock Cafe to watch Singapore Idol with Donson n Shirley last nite.. was sad coz of some issues but was glad that i have my frens with me by my side..

Wanna know how much i drank? i started with Long Island Tea (pint) first, then Carlsberg(pint), Carlsberg(mug)... of coz they got worried coz i was high but i still could walk down the stairs to go to Forum to withdraw more cash... then alan called, asking where i am.. told him where i was n he said he's coming with Alex, Ken and Ah han.. the typical 4 guys n a girl again.... -_-''' waited for them to come, which they took ages..

they came abt 12 n shirley n donson left.. (thank u so much for being there for me) Alan, Ah han n Ken ordered smoothies (are they men?) n i ordered a carlsberg (pint) again, followed by another mug n another mug.. until i was super high...

They had to send me back.. i can't really remember what happened in the cab.. all i know was that i kept on hitting someone.. can't remember who...

woke up this morn, feeling even more shitty coz i feel even more sad... what am i gonna do with my life?

btw, i have been drinking every nite since mon.. i am so tired of drinking already.. time to sober up..

take care pple... love ya...


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