There will be 3 short stories.. and i probably get killed by them when they see these...
1st Story
I'm so bored at work.. emails.. n more emails.. and what's that blob doing? Annoying.. I shall loosen up myself now and perform a magic trick..

Ok.. See! there isn't anything hiding in my mouth except my tongue.. *thank gawd that blob left for somewhere else*

Count to 3 *p.s why did he come back -_-*
TaDa!!! see!!! now there's something in my mouth!!
Thank u... thank u very much.. *that blob better not turn around right now*
2nd Story

Omg!! what's that on that building?!?!
omg! what the hell!?!?!?!?
Tell me tell me!!! what do u see?!!?!
U dunno who's that?!!?! oh..
*awkward silent*
I thot i saw superman.. But.. It was juz a bird..
3rd Story
Why?! why hasn't clara msged me?!!?
Coz she rather msg me?!?!
Hmph!!!! Who said so!?!
Aww... come on.. let me give u a hug!!!

Erhmm... why are u reaching for my neck instead?

STOP reaching for my neck!!!!
As u guys all know by now that i'm very very bored at night.... esp at 3am.. :)
The following story is a very special request made by someone.. but i have this feeling that she's gonna regret asking me to do a story for her.. ahhaha..
Once upon a time, in the singleton land, there lived 3 best frens.. they used to sing their own unique song:
We are 3 happy single girls!! 3 Happy Single Girls!!! We need no shit from the men!! :)
*But one Day*
A Dark Knight *sorry abt the pun* appeared!!! And..

With his Award-Winning Smile.. A miracle happened!
So.. her best frens decided to give their blessings to the couple..